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Quality Assurance

Cloud Technologies Group puts stock in Quality. We comprehend this idea in its more extensive significance. We have particular techniques and methods to guarantee Quality in each deliverable of our own. At Cloud Technologies Group, we accentuate on the prevalence and convenience of each arrangement that we create to guarantee advancement of the customers business.

Quality Assurance includes the whole advancement process - checking and enhancing the procedure, ensuring that each settled upon gauges and systems are taken after, and guaranteeing that any emerging issues are distinguished and settled at the soonest in the most effective way.

A portion of the quality confirmation activities rehearsed at Cloud Technologies Group are as per the following:

We trust that the last item ought to dependably be a High Standard Solution that tolerates all procedures and standards took after by the organization.

We stick to a correctly characterized testing strategy. Prior to a task achieves the testing stage it experiences various checks by the concerned designers. They utilize all around framed agendas that guarantee that the bugs, if any are amended in the underlying stages itself. This guarantees once the venture achieves the testing stage, there are either no bugs or almost no bugs exhibit which could without much of a stretch be settled.

With years of experience, our devoted testing experts have a skill of distinguishing issues that can emerge in a specific situation and guidance proactive preventive measures to the advancement groups. Our testing groups consolidate all around planned agendas alongside the brilliant experiments to guarantee that all the perceived deformities, regardless of whether mechanical, dialect, ID, coding or usefulness related are completely checked and are patched in an effective way.


Every one of the finishes of the testing procedure are accounted for to the improvement groups utilizing an uncommonly outlined layout. The designers thusly settles every mistake revealed by the testing groups and sends the undertaking back for a last review. This last review, fundamentally fills in as the check round, for every one of the mistakes that were accounted for in the past testing process. This last review round takes out the likelihood of blunders and guarantees that the last item is faultless.